2024 Semester 2 Course List (sorted by School/Programme)

Course Code Course Title Weekday Start Time End Time Room Lecturer School
HTM101 Microeconomics F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 302bWILSON CHAN School of Business
HTM103 Principles of Marketing W 2:30p 5:30p KCB 302aWILSON CHAN School of Business
HTM105 Management Information System T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 405 SHIRLEY YEUNG School of Business
HTM106 Basic Accounting Principles F 2:30p 5:30p KCB 302aPATRICK YUEN School of Business
HTM112 Marketing Research with Blockchain Concepts W 10:00a 1:00p KCB 302aSHIRLEY YEUNG School of Business
HTM114 Transformative Industry Exposure Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 302bSHIRLEY YEUNG School of Business
PFM404 Property Environment Management (Landscaping, Environmental Protection and Car Park Management) F 7:00p 10:00p KCB 201 JERRY KWOK School of Business
PFM405 Property and Facilities Management (Club Facilities and Pre-Management Work) M 7:00p 10:00p KCB 201 LEE Kwan Ho Kenneth School of Business
PFM406 Property Financial and Asset Management W 7:00p 10:00p KCB 305 Desmond LAU School of Business
PFM506 Advanced Property Management Services for Occupants and Community (Event Management and Community Relations)F 7:00p 10:00p KCB 206 C Y CHIK School of Business
PFM503 Advanced Property Repair Maintenance and Improvement T 7:00p 10:00p KCB 201 GABY KUN School of Business
CM1205/HCM105 Introduction to the New Testament M 6:30p 9:30p KCB 304 WU KIN PAN School of Christian Ministry
HCM204/HPC105/PY4005Counselling Skills Laboratory Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB 405 EMILY NG School of Christian Ministry
CM1203/HCM103 Hermeneutics M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 206 LAM Wai Kin Ivan School of Christian Ministry
CM3218 Fundamental Bible Greek Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302bAU Wai Cheong Alister School of Christian Ministry
CM3215 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302aNG Sui Lung (Edmund) School of Christian Ministry
CM3208 Homiletics M 6:30p 9:30p KCB 405 LEE Fu Sing School of Christian Ministry
CM3202/HCM205 Evangelism and Discipleship M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 NG Sui Lung (Edmund) School of Christian Ministry
CM2207 Paul and His Letters W 6:30p 9:30p KCB 303 LAM Wai Kin Ivan School of Christian Ministry
CM2205 The Prophets F 6:30p 9:30p KCB 303 DEREK LI School of Christian Ministry
GCM1501/HCM107 Servant Leadership W 10:00a 1:00p KCB G02 LEE Fu Sing School of Christian Ministry
CM2203 The Histories M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 302aDEREK LI School of Christian Ministry
HPC114 Professional Ethics in Counseling F 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302bWAN King Hung School of Education and Psychology
HEC201b/HEC201c Practicum Workshop F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 CHIU Ngar Si Alice School of Education and Psychology
HEC201b/HEC201c Practicum II F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 CHIU Ngar Si Alice School of Education and Psychology
HGE101 English I: Reading and Writing Skills T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 302bLU Hangyan (Shelley) School of Education and Psychology
HGE102 English II: Integrated English Th 7:00p 10:00p KCB 303 LU Hangyan (Shelley) School of Education and Psychology
HGE105 Practical Chinese Writing W 2:30p 5:30p KCB 302bALFRED LAM School of Education and Psychology
HPC104/PY1201 Social Psychology T 2:30p 5:30p KCB 405 WAN King Hung School of Education and Psychology
HPC106/PY3006 Introduction to Group Counselling M 6:30p 9:30p KCB 206 VICTOR LAU School of Education and Psychology
HPC111/PY2101 Cognitive Psychology M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 405 LIN Chun Hei Caleb School of Education and Psychology
HPC108/PY2202 Motivation and Emotion T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302bLEUNG Ying Ying School of Education and Psychology
HPC110/PY3007 Family Dynamics and Counselling W 6:30p 9:30p KCB 405 EMILY NG School of Education and Psychology
HPC114 Professional Ethics and Christian Counselling F 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302bWAN King Hung School of Education and Psychology
PY4102 Senior Seminar S 10:00a 1:00p KCB 302aWONG IP Chung Ping (Susanna)School of Education and Psychology
PY4101 Honours Project F 2:30p 5:30p KCB 405 LIN Chun Hei Caleb School of Education and Psychology
PY4001 Clinical Psychology F 6:30p 9:30p KCB 302aLEUNG Ying Ying School of Education and Psychology
HEC201a/HEC201c Practicum Workshop F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 TSE Lok Tin Rocky School of Education and Psychology
GCM1401A Lives of Servant Leaders M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 203 ALFRED LAM School of Education and Psychology
GCM1401B Lives of Servant Leaders M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 201 LEE Fu Sing School of Education and Psychology
GCM1401C Lives of Servant Leaders T 2:30p 5:30p KCB 203 LAM Wai Kin Ivan School of Education and Psychology
GCM1501/HCM107 Servant Leadership W 10:00a 1:00p KCB G02 LEE Fu Sing School of Education and Psychology
GEN1404 Introduction to Arts Therapy T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 206 KWOK Yin Ling Bonita School of Education and Psychology
GEN1502 Critical Thinking Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB 204 LAW Pui Lam Patrick School of Education and Psychology
GEN2401 Chinese for Professionals T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 201 ALFRED LAM School of Education and Psychology
GEN2403 Creative Arts in Daily Life T 2:30p 5:30p KCB 206 WINNIE NG School of Education and Psychology
GEN2506 English for Social Work W 2:30p 5:30p KCB G02 LU Hangyan (Shelley) School of Education and Psychology
GEN3403A Introduction to Statistics F 6:30p 9:30p KCB G02 LIN Chun Hei Caleb School of Education and Psychology
GEN3403B Introduction to Statistics Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB G02 LIN Chun Hei Caleb School of Education and Psychology
GEN3404 Applications of Innovative Technologies Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB 201 NG Chi Kwong (Terry) School of Education and Psychology
GPS1403 The Pursuit of Happiness T 2:30p 5:30p KCB G02 Nathaniel Tong BRUCE School of Education and Psychology
GPS3401A Introduction to Psychology M 10:00a 1:00p KCB G02 Nathaniel Tong BRUCE School of Education and Psychology
HEC201a/HEC201c Practicum I F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 TSE Lok Tin Rocky School of Education and Psychology
HEC115 Assessment and Collaboration for Children with Diverse Needs W 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 CHEUK Wai Yung Jenny School of Education and Psychology
HEC114 Working with Children with Diverse Needs II M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 405 CHEUK Wai Yung Jenny School of Education and Psychology
HEC113 Working with Children with Diverse Needs I Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB 405 CHEUK Wai Yung Jenny School of Education and Psychology
GPS3401B Introduction to Psychology M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 305 Nathaniel Tong BRUCE School of Education and Psychology
GPS3406 Drugs and Behavior Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB 206 WONG IP Chung Ping (Susanna)School of Education and Psychology
GSW3501A Research Methods for Social Sciences T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 204 SIMON LAW School of Education and Psychology
GSW3501B Research Methods for Social Sciences W 2:30p 5:30p KCB 204 SIMON LAW School of Education and Psychology
HCM204/HPC105/PY4005Counselling Skills Laboratory Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB 405 EMILY NG School of Education and Psychology
HEC102 The Professional Teacher Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 WONG Siu Kwan School of Education and Psychology
HEC109 Creative Arts for Young Children T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 206 KWOK Yin Ling Bonita School of Education and Psychology
HEC110 Language and Literacy for Young Children W 10:00a 1:00p KCB 405 Nathaniel Tong BRUCE School of Education and Psychology
HGE102 English II: Integrated English Th 7:00p 10:00p KCB 303 LU Hangyan (Shelley) School of Education and Pyschology
SW4004 Working with Youth Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB 204 ALFRED BALEROS School of Social Work
SW3103 Skills for Clinical Social Work Practice T 10:00a 1:00p KCB G02 YUNG Kwok Fung Walter School of Social Work
SW4003 Social Work and Mental Health M 6:30p 9:30p KCB 204 CHAN SAU KAM School of Social Work
SW4002(a)B Disability and Society T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 305 NORA LEUNG School of Social Work
SW4002(a)A Disability and Society Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 305 LI Kim Chuen School of Social Work
SW4001 Social Work with Older Adults Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 201 POON Kwong Fai Silas School of Social Work
SW3201 Law for Social Workers M 6:30p 9:30p KCB G02 LIU Sing Lee, Bruce School of Social Work
SW0002A Pre-placement Preparation II W 10:00a 1:00p KCB 303 KAN KING LOK School of Social Work
SW4005 Child Protection and Family Challenges Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB G02 KO Yau Keung Francis School of Social Work
SW4007 Mental Wellness F 6:30p 9:30p KCB 204 HUI MAN KI School of Social Work
SW4101 Administration in Human Service Organizations M 2:30p 5:30p KCB G02 HO Kit Wan (Helen) School of Social Work
SW4103A Micro Social Work Theories and Practice W 6:30p 9:30p KCB G02 CHEN Ka Kit Timothy School of Social Work
SW4103B Micro Social Work Theories and Practice F 10:00a 1:00p KCB 305 CHEN Ka Kit Timothy School of Social Work
SW4201A Integrative Seminar T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 204 YIDA CHUNG School of Social Work
SW4201B Integrative Seminar Th 6:30p 9:30p KCB 305 YIDA CHUNG School of Social Work
SW4201C Integrative Seminar M 6:30p 9:30p KCB 203 CHEN Ka Kit Timothy School of Social Work
SW3102 Social Welfare Policy Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB G02 SIMON LAW School of Social Work
SW2203 Social Work Field Laboratory M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 305 DOROTHY CHAN School of Social Work
SW2201 Generic Social Work Practice with Groups, Organizations and Communities M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 203 DANIEL CHENG School of Social Work
SW2103 Social Work Intervention and Processes Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 303 DOROTHY CHAN School of Social Work
SW2102 Human Behaviour and Social Environment T 2:30p 5:30p KCB 305 SIMON LAW School of Social Work
SW0002B Pre-placement Preparation II T 6:30p 9:30p KCB 203 LI Kim Chuen School of Social Work
HSW121 Philosophy of Social Work T 10:00a 1:00p KCB 203 KAN KING LOK School of Social Work
SW0001B Pre-placement Preparation I W 6:30p 9:30p KCB 203 KAN KING LOK School of Social Work
SW0001A Pre-placement Preparation I T 2:30p 5:30p KCB 303 YIDA CHUNG School of Social Work
HSW002 Pre-Placement Preparation II W 10:00a 1:00p KCB 203 LI Kim Chuen School of Social Work
HSW253 Integrative Workshop M 10:00a 1:00p KCB 204 LI Kim Chuen School of Social Work
HSW252 Administrative Practices in Human Service Organisations M 2:30p 5:30p KCB 204 LO KAM WAH School of Social Work
HSW124 Programme Management and Evaluation Th 10:00a 1:00p KCB 204 SIMON NG School of Social Work
HSW123 Social Work Skills Laboratory II W 2:30p 5:30p KCB 203 SIMON NG School of Social Work
HSW122 Social Work Theories and Practice II Th 2:30p 5:30p KCB 203 FUNG Man Sui School of Social Work